Are you looking for a roadmap of what to do for your golf fitness? Here's the problem, it's so hard to know what you should be doing with all the info out there now. Should I lift heavy? Will training mobility not allow me to gain swing speed? Should I train full body each time? The questions and decisions are endless, and at times, overwhelming. Take the guesswork & struggle out of it and let me program for you! With Golf Performance Monthly you'll receive golf performance workouts from me each month that will guide you through the best practices of how to increase mobility, gain strength and add distance. This program is your answer for exactly what you should be doing for your training.
I've wanted to create something like this for a while, a way to help every golfer improve their fitness on and off the course. Over the years I've had calls with hundreds of people who seem like they really want to work with me but there was an obstacle. Whether it was cost, time commitment, or not wanting to fully dive into a very detailed program, I wanted to remove as many of those hurdles as I can while trying to help more people. With Golf Performance Monthly, you'll have the structure you need to make sure your workouts translate to the course. And the best part is that this program can stand alone, or be combined with other training you're already doing to still get big time results and get you moving and feeling better than you have in a long time.
Are you a golfer? Do you care about trying to improve how you look, feel and play? Then this program is for you. Whether you currently workout randomly, have a trainer, follow an online program, or don't do anything at all, this program has a place to give you the golf specific lens you need when it comes to movement, mobility and performance. Workouts are full body focused and only take about 30 minutes to complete. While access to a full gym is always ideal, you can complete the workouts from home. Most exercises are a combination of bodyweight drills or utilize bands and some free weights.
Despite only being $97 you get a ton of value....
*2 day workout program per month
*Mobility, strength and power exercises
*Access to parts of my exercise library
*Separate monthly mobility flow
*Monthly wellness insight surrounding fitness, golf, nutrition and more
My main program over the past 6+ years has been the Elite Golf Fitness program. It's an amazing program and hundreds of people have experienced life changing results. Here's how Golf Performance Monthly is different.
*In Elite Golf Fitness you receive customized programming for each person whereas in Golf Performance Monthly you receive a generalized golf performance plan. Many of the exercises are the same however they are not catered to each individual based upon an intake assessment, goals, equipment access and other personal factors. In the Elite Golf Fitness program, clients also receive text and email communication with me weekly, along with full access to my exercise library, pre and post round routines and a separate live FaceTime call with me each month. If you think Elite could be a better fit for you, head to that page and check it out!
For less than one hundred bucks a month you can get programming from me, a two-time Golf Digest Top Trainer in America. Get the workouts you need to finally make the changes you've been wanting. Get rid of the tight hips, stiff low back and restricted upper body turn. Start feeling better, hitting it further and having some fun along the way!